Chaperone Volunteer assistance is encouraged and welcomed by the Weaver Union School District Board of Trustees, Superintendent and staff. As a chaperone volunteer of the district, it is important to understand your role and responsibilities in working with our students to assist you in maximizing your contribution to our educational vision and goals. We believe that field trips provide a valuable educational experience for the students of the district, and we thank you for volunteering your time and support to these important activities. *All Chaperone Volutneers are required to obtain security clearance (a Raptor Pass) from the appropriate school site BEFORE the day of the field trip.
In an effort to ensure that District-sponsored field trips result in safe and rewarding experiences for all participants, we have prepared the following guidelines on volunteering as a field trip chaperone:
When a staff member who is responsible for a school sponsored trip determines the need for chaperones, he/she will be responsible for deciding upon and obtaining the appropriate number of chaperones.
The purpose of a chaperone is to keep order and see to the safety and conduct of those students involved in a school event.
All Chaperone Volunteers must be at least 21 years of age.
All school rules apply on district-sponsored events. Chaperones are expected to comply with District policies, follow the directions given by the District’s supervising staff member(s), work cooperatively with other staff and volunteers, and model appropriate behaviors for students.
The level of student supervision of students while on a field trip is no less than the level of supervision of students required when students are on campus, participating in class, or participating in other school or school board activities.
Chaperones should be familiar with the school’s Student Code of Conduct and Discipline, and shall report all suspected violations to the field trip supervisor immediately. (Board Policy 5131 - Conduct; Board Policy 5131.1 - Bus Conduct ; Administrative Regulation 5131.1 - Bus Conduct; Board Policy 5144 - Discipline; Administrative Regulation 5144 - Discipline)
Chaperones may not drive students in a private vehicle unless prior approval has been obtained and the appropriate form has been completed, signed and approved.
A log with emergency numbers and designated contact people for students on the trip must be kept by each chaperone on duty.
In order to comply with district policy, during District sponsored events, chaperones:
may not use, sell, provide, possess, or be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
may not use tobacco in the presence of, or within the sight of, students.
may not possess any weapon.
may not administer any medications, prescription or nonprescription, to students. Chaperones may administer medication to their own child but first must inform the staff member in charge of the medication to be administered.
For the protection of both the student and the chaperone, chaperones should not place themselves in situations in which they are alone with a student.
Chaperones may not bring siblings of participating students or other persons on a field trip unless they are a member of the official class or group participating in the trip.
Medical release waivers for each student shall be carried on all field trips. In case of an accident, the medical release waivers shall be presented to the treating physician. A student’s permission slip shall be attached to the student injury incident report which is required with an accident.
Chaperones may not deviate from the established itinerary and assigned group.
Chaperones are encouraged to know how to provide assistance in an emergency (medical emergency, natural emergency, lost child, serious breach of a rule, etc.) by being aware of the adults on the trip who are trained in first aid, and the whereabouts of the first aid kit, etc.
Do NOT share pictures of other students on social media. We have many families that do not give us permission to share on the web.