Here are some updates for our Nutrition Services meal distribution:
Distance Learning Students: Friday, May 28th will be our LAST curbside pick up for the school year. Meals picked up on Friday will include meals for the week of May 31st-June 4th.
WEEKEND MEALS: This week will also be our last week for weekend meal pick up on Friday. If you would like to receive weekend meals, please go to our website at and click on the Weekend Meals Request.
On-Campus students will continue to receive their meals at the end of the school day until the last day of school.
Our Summer Food Program will begin on Monday, June 7th. We will have a special curbside pick up, Monday, June 7th, at Farmdale and Pioneer from 11am-1pm. Those meals will be for the week of June 7th-11th. Regular curbside pick up day's for summer will begin on Friday, June 11th from 11am-1pm at Farmdale Elementary and Pioneer Elementary. Additional information can be found on our website at
We'd like to thank our families for your support during this time. We hope that everyone has a great summer!
The Weaver Union Nutrition Services Department
Summer Food Services Announcements
May 27, 2021